granada information

Bar Poë

Bar Poë


Alhambra Tours

Bar Poë

Bar Poë is a small, well known tapas bar in the centre of Granada offering free tapas as international as the people you'll find eating and drinking there.
C/ Verónica de la Magdelena, 40
20:00 - late from Tue to Sun.

Bar Poë:
Bar Poë is a small, well known tapas bar in the centre of Granada offering free tapas as international as the people you'll find eating and drinking there.

AlbayzinBar Poë lets you choose from a small selection of free tapas inspired by different cultures, countries and tastes, from Thai to Brazilian and Portuguese.

AlbayzinThe bar has a good variety of beers and a lively atmosphere with a cosmopolitan clientele. At Bar Poë, you will find Spanish locals, Erasmus students as well as foreign visitors. The main barman and owners are fluent English speakers.

AlbayzinAt Bar Poë, you can find unique and different types of shots, for example good quality, flaming absinthe shots.


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This restaurant has been reviewed by 2 people. The figures on the right are the average score out of 10 based on all reviews. There are 2 reviews in English and 0 in Spanish.
Overall 8.75
Food 9
Service 9
Atmosphere 8
Value 9
Comments of Meg from Granada
Visit: October 2019
We had three very tasty tapas from the international tapas menu. The owner is English and is very friendly.
Overall 9
Food 9
Service 9
Atmosphere 9
Value 9
Comments of Shep Smith from Michigan USA
Visit: August 2019
It is possible to choose the free tapa. They only accept cash. Most of the time it’s packed though so you better come in time to get a good spot. The owner is very adept at making sure you are not waiting too long for the next beer or tapas. Beer was excellent. The tapas menu has about 10 items on it, and we loved every one. Good drinks and Tapas. Tucked away down a quiet side street
Overall 8.5
Food 8
Service 9
Atmosphere 8
Value 9